Leominster Public Schools


2024-2025 School Year


5 Teachers per school

Honorarium of up to $1,000 


A school-based instructional Leadership Team is an ongoing team of school-based personnel which has a formal role to play as a "solution” finding" unit. The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) seeks to improve student achievement and student culture through the continuous analysis of data, action planning, and progress monitoring. The ILT will play an important  role in the effective and consistent implementation of key school systems.The school-based assessment team will meet regularly with a minimum of bi-weekly meetings. These meetings will be held outside of school hours.


-Can build strong interpersonal relationships with colleagues

-Can demonstrate effective personal organization and follow through

-Can demonstrate a commitment to equity for students & families

-Can demonstrate the capacity to learn and to apply new learning in leadership or classroom teaching

Please apply on School Spring for this posting and provide a letter of interest and qualifications to your building principal.